Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How much is to get a dog a hair cut at a PETSMART?

i really want to know because we just want to shave a maltese off cuz she has so many knots!!! So,,, how much is it to get a dog to shaev?How much is to get a dog a hair cut at a PETSMART?
I live in california and every petsmart I've been to(if I'm out of town and don't have my pets with me I always find a petsmart and bring toys back for my dogs) anyways its $35 for a clip/shave.How much is to get a dog a hair cut at a PETSMART?
It all depends on the breed and hair length. They charge for how much effort the will have to put in and time based on those, and the size of the dog. They'll also charge extra for certain things such as nail grooming , cleaning the anal glands and for ear cleaning. But, then again some also include those.
You can call and ask.

Now for the Maltese- have you been brushing her regularly? Dogs like that need daily grooming if not-they'll not up. Also, diet has a lot to do with coat condition. What is she eating?
depends. where i live it is like 50 dollars. it really matters on the location and how or what hair style you want to cut.
Every petsmart is different. just call your local one and ASK.
i think it kinda depends on where you live.

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