Sunday, January 29, 2012

What percentage on a bill is appropriate to tip for a hair cut?

I know it's 10-25% for dining out. Is it the same for getting your hair cut?What percentage on a bill is appropriate to tip for a hair cut?
Ten -Twenty percent, unless the stylist is also the owner of the salon. You may tip the owner as that is polite, but it is not requiredWhat percentage on a bill is appropriate to tip for a hair cut?
Who tips for a hair cut?!?!??!
Most of us have hairdressers that do our hair regularly. I always tip my hairdresser $20 on a $100 bill. She is well worth it and will always work me in if I have an emergency. If you don't have a regular hairdresser you still should tip. Most have to pay for their chair rental and it is a service oriented business. The usual 10% to 20% or more depending on how your service was. One of my biggest pet peaves is people who tip when someone has destroyed your wig.....if you are not happy with your hair......DO NOT TIP!!!!
It depends on what is being done. If they wash my hair I give the person who does it $3.00; the person who cuts a $5.00 bill.

Remember they make you look good for the world.
If it's in a chain shop I try and tip $10 for a haircut. Thos poor girls just make a tiny bit over minimum wage and those tips (which they are taxed on) mean everything to them! In a private shop, the bill is higher but I would still tip around the same cause I know they work on commission and so get paid alot more. I can also tell ya they all keep notes on tips in the computer, and if you tip whatever you can afford you will get a much better job done-everytime! I just feel bad for the ones in the chain shops as they work every bit as hard, have long hours, and really need those tips!
Two bucks plus whatever change (coins) i get back. 3 if the person was really nice.
Yes. 10-15%
i leave them 2 bucks maybe more just depends have much money i got on me.

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