Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Does cats hair grow because owners never get their cats hair cut?

What?! Cats hair grows thick in the winter and some falls out during warmer seasons and then it happens all over again. Year after year. A cats hair grows for warmth and it only gets so long.Does cats hair grow because owners never get their cats hair cut?
A cat's hair stays pretty much the same length all the time in most varieties of the cat family. Cats usually spend a lot of time each day grooming. Loose hair/fur is stuck to the cat's tongue and swallowed. Later the cat gets rid of this in the form of a hair balls which it has to vomit up.

Well, the above is my observation of a cat we had when I was a kid back in the 1940s.

Never ever cut a cat's whiskers. The demestic cat as with all members of the cat family, uses it's face whiskers to measure the width of an escape gap in such as a fence or a small cave entrance etc. The cat's whiskers are exactly the same width as the beasts widest point.

A cat does not stop to check the width of a gap it races towards it and if it passes through without it's whiskers touching the sides, no problem. If they touch, the cat will usually back off out again.

Unlike any other animal a cat can also turn in midair during a fall and thus land feet first. I'm not suggesting a cat will survive falling several stories from a building, it probably would not. But say from a height of about 6 to 8 feet.Does cats hair grow because owners never get their cats hair cut?
cats cast there coat at the end of winter so they can stay cool in summer and vice versa
alot of people shave there cats cuz the hair is to long and hard to take care of, but cats dont really need to be groomed as much as dogs, they will do okay on there own, a bath her and there to clean them up is good.
Some dog breeds have hair like that but cats are either long haired, medium length haired, or short haired. And one breed has essentially no hair but no they do not need to be groomed to keep from growing further and further. Some long haired cats get matted because they are not brushed out and a good shaving can help them but that is different.
Depends on the breed I think. Most cats have short hair that only grows a certain length but some breeds are long haired cats.
I have 2 indoor short haired cats and let me tell you it falls out all over the damn place!

It grows back to the same length but because cat hair is sooo thick you dont notice it grow.
cats dont have hair they have fur and yes of course it grows and moults in summer and gets thicker in winter but they control it all by themselves and owners dont need to do anything except feed them and look after them
A cats hair depends on genetics, Pure breeds will always have the length of coat they were bred to have, examples, long hair (Persian), short hair (Siamese) curly (Devon Rex) or no hair (Sphinx). Moggies can have hair of any length because they are mixed breeds whatever colour or body type they are.

Like Dogs, Outdoor cats particularly will have a thicker coat in Winter and shed it in Spring, but the length doesn't alter.
yes, just like your pubes
just like a human, their hair will grow no matter what. animals hair grows more in the fall and winter to protect them from the cold, and they shed a lot in the spring.
You don't generally need to cut a cats hair unless it is matted,

However, one of my semi-longhaired cats has hair that REALLY grows in the winter. It grows so much that I have to trim his front because he finds it hard to groom himself (his neck is not long enough to reach the end of his fur)!

Come summer and he becomes a normal semi-longhaired cat again.

Very strange!
what?! u dont cut your cats hair unless you are cutting out mats

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