Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do parents have the legal right to force children to have a hair cut?

I'm a 14 year old boy, and I like my hair long, but my parents don't, so they always get me to have it cut after a certain length.

I'd like to know whether parents have to right to force me to get it cut, after all, it is my hair!Do parents have the legal right to force children to have a hair cut?
When I was younger I wanted to grow my hair out, but my mother wouldn't let me.

She always made me get it cut short, which I hated. Now that I am older, I understand that it wasn't a big deal... and I can now do whatever I want with my hair.

Just listen to your parents, I promise it will make your life easier. When you're older you can do whatever you want. Really. :)Do parents have the legal right to force children to have a hair cut?
Oh yes, that and more. they can make you wear the clothes they want you to wear and even go digging through your stuff looking for whatever.

But try to remember this. your not that far away from getting out on your own. And while you might like long hair, in general it does nothing positive for your income.Very few men with long hair make the money men with short hair make. and many of the long haired types end up with harder type manual labor jobs. Of course there are exceptions to this but on average.

You really like that long hair enough to risk taking a 20-30% pay cut and working 5 times harder?

It's all well and good to march to the beat of a different drum and more power to ya. But just remember some of the others around you are marching to their beat and if yours don't at least come close to matching you can be left outside.

That's one of the reasons why you see so any long haired types in the construction business. Hard grueling work with an average death rate higher than police officers for little money compared to someone who conforms a bit more(on the outside) and gets that nice cushy well paying job inside where the temp is controlled.
you have all the right to decide what you want with your hair. but, being a child of your parents you should obey what they want you to, you know, parents they know whtas the best for you. anyhow, its yourself, if thats what u really want, try expalining it to them. goodluck boy!
Who puts teh food on the table, roof over your head?

Till you are 18 kiddo.
Legally, yes absolutely they do.

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