Hi if you want to have the perfect style find a look with height at the top and width at your jaw line. That way it will make your face feature oval looking which is the Ideal face shape. good luckWhat hair cut would be good for very thick wavy hair?
Thanks for the answer!
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You sound like me! I had very long thick wavy hair and I recently donated a foot of it. If you are going to go short (like shoulder length or shorter) you will want to get some layers so that you dont have triangular shaped hair.
go to hairfinder.com You might find ideas there. My opinion would be to get a bobstyle cut, then have it blown out straight.
If you're going for it, go long. Cut it all off. Go pixie short. leave about 1-2 inches in the back, and 4 on top and front. Spike up the back. flat iron long pieces to the sides with a zigzag part. It'll look hot!
i would cut it about 2 inchs. too see if u like it then if u don't cut it more
I think it would be good for a layered nice cut. if you want too. that's my opinion
layers maybe side swept bangs.........ummm............. u could get them to thin ur hair...... good luck!
check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-
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