Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why do Barbers use Powder after a hair cut?

Is it the 'macho' way to do that? (okay, laugh...) But, I can't explain it why.

If going to a regular hair care place, they never use powder... So why do Only Barbers use Powder?

They (Barbers) use the powder around 'The Neck', after shaving and cutting off that area.Why do Barbers use Powder after a hair cut?
Loose neck hair is removed; where moisture is present, application of powder to

trimmed area of neck ensures complete removal of loose hair. (From NZ Hairdressing Industry Training Organisation Inc for barber's training manual link included below)Why do Barbers use Powder after a hair cut?
So you can be pampered
so that stray hairs dont scratch your neck

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